Great Mont Alpi Grill

Mont Alpi Reviews

This little oven gets up to temperature very quickly. The stone obviously takes longer to preheat than the air, but in less than 10 minutes it was ready to go at slightly less than 550 degres fahrenheit. We did nine 10-12 inch pizzas in a row for a family dinner. The oven would drop to around 490 in the 10 seconds it took to swap pizzas, but would be back over 500 in just a few seconds. The pizzas were very thin cracker style crust and were evenly baked. On some of the pizzas I turned them half way through the baking cycle, others I did not. No one could tell the difference. I was a little leery of this oven based on some of the reviews on Amazon. I do not feels the low reviews are justified.

Great Mont Alpi Grill